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Early Years
Development can only take place when children are actively involved, when they are occupied with a high, non stop degree of concentration, when they are interested, when they give themselves completely, when they use their mental abilities to invent and make new things and when this gives them a high degree of satisfaction and pleasure. Ferre Laevers
Welcome to Early Years. There are two classes in this year group; The Den and The Lodge. Our team of experienced teachers is made up of Mrs Hancock, Mr Upstone & Mrs Amery.
Up to date information on the Early Years Team can be found on our Staff & Governors Page
At Bracken Leas we believe that happy children learn best and we put the children at the centre of what we do, providing a supportive environment where children feel safe to develop as an individual. We know that starting school is a big step for you and your child, and we are confident that we provide children and families with a positive, happy and exciting start to their school life.
Within Early Years, we understand and value the importance of creating strong partnerships between the home, the school and the wider community, these partnerships underpin every step of the child’s learning journey. Throughout the children’s time in Reception there will be many opportunities for families to explore and learn with the children in the school environment, and for the community to help enrich the children’s learning experiences through a variety of opportunities.
The Early Years environment provides opportunities for children to develop their sense of self, curiosity about the world around them and character skills such as, independence, resilience, perseverance and honesty. At Bracken Leas we believe that effective learning must be meaningful to the child, so that they are able to use what they have learnt, master learnt skills and successfully apply them in new situations.
Much of the children’s day will involve them independently accessing the environment and following their interests through continuous provision. Through this approach, the children can access familiar areas and resources to develop confidence and mastery of their skills. We believe that it is important for the children to be active learners and take ownership of their learning journey. The skilled Early Years team are always on hand to support and extend the children’s thinking through engaging in their play, modelling learning or questioning.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”Benjamin Franklin
Every child at Bracken Leas receives a strong start, which ensures that all children make progress both academically and socially.
Welcome to the Bracken Leas Family!